

The Snaps API provides a series of endpoints supporting common actions during the lifetime of a snap package.

The Snaps API is exposed at the following base URLs:

Response Format

JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including Errors.


Register a snap name

POST /dev/api/register-name/
Request Headers
  • Authorization – macaroon authorization header with the package_register permission

Query Parameters
  • dry_run – (optional) when set, validate the requested snap name but don’t register it

Request JSON Object
  • snap_name (string) – name of the snap package

  • is_private (boolean) – (optional, defaults to false) whether the name should be considered private or not

  • store (string) – (optional, defaults to the global store) the ID of the store to register this snap in

Response JSON Object
  • snap_id (string) – the unique snap_id associated with this snap (null when dry_run query parameter is set)

  • snap_name (string) – matches the requested snap name

Status Codes


In order to register a snap name the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_register permission. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


The is_private parameter is used to indicate the privacy setting for the initial push. This setting can be changed at any later time.

The dry_run query parameter is used to test if the name is valid and currently available. It does not register the name, so the name may not be available on a subsequent call.


Before pushing a snap package, the developer needs to register the snap name. To do so, an authenticated request has to be issued as follows:


POST /dev/api/register-name/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_name": "foo"


Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_id": "some-snap-id",
  "snap_name": "foo"

The developer can state whether the snap is going to be marked as private on first upload by setting the is_private field to true. Example:


POST /dev/api/register-name/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json

  "is_private": true,
  "snap_name": "foo"


Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_id": "some-snap-id",
  "snap_name": "foo"

A snap name can also be registered against a specific store. The developer must have upload permissions on the target store. To check which stores the developer can access, please refer to the Accounts API. If no store is given, the global store is used as default.


POST /dev/api/register-name/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json

  "store": "the-store-id",
  "snap_name": "foo"


Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_id": "some-snap-id",
  "snap_name": "foo"

It’s possible to just trigger validation for a snap name without actually registering it by setting the dry_run flag as a query string parameter:


POST /dev/api/register-name/?dry_run=1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_name": "foo"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_id": null,
  "snap_name": "foo"


All error responses are JSON-encoded and contain a dictionary with information about what went wrong. Due to backwards compatible reasons, the dictionary has many keys, but only the error_list key should be used from now on. The rest of the keys are deprecated. Below a list of the most common error responses.

If the macaroon used for authentication does not contain the package_register permission an error response will be returned.


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Permission 'package_register' is required as a macaroon caveat.",
      "code": "macaroon-permission-required",
      "extra": {
        "permission": "package_register"

The developer needs to sign the Developer Programme Agreement before pushing snaps. Failing to do so will result in an error response:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Developer has not signed agreement.",
      "code": "user-not-ready",
      "extra": {
        "url": "",
        "api": ""

The developer must have a store username set before registering snap names. Failing to do so will result in an error response as follows:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Developer profile is missing the store username.",
      "code": "user-not-ready",
      "extra": {
        "url": ""

If the request contains invalid data, an error response will be returned detailing the problem(s). For example, if the provided snap name is not valid, the following error response is returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "The name 'some name' is not valid: it should only have ASCII lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must have at least one letter.",
      "code": "invalid",
      "extra": {
        "field": "snap_name",
        "snap_name": "some name"

If the requested name is already registered by another publisher, the error response will contain extra metadata such as the suggested_snap_name and register_name_url.


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "The snap name 'some-name' is already registered.",
      "code": "already_registered",
      "extra": {
        "register_name_url": "",
        "field": "snap_name",
        "suggested_snap_name": "your-username-some-name",
        "snap_name": "some-name"

If the requested name is reserved (common and well-known names are reserved), the error response will also contain extra metadata such as the suggested_snap_name and register_name_url.


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "The snap name 'reserved' is reserved.",
      "code": "reserved_name",
      "extra": {
        "register_name_url": "",
        "field": "snap_name",
        "suggested_snap_name": "your-username-reserved",
        "snap_name": "reserved"

But if the requesting user has already filed a claim for a reserved or already registered snap name, which is still waiting for review, the error response is:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "You already registered a claim for the snap name 'some-name'.",
      "code": "already_claimed",
      "extra": {
        "field": "snap_name",
        "snap_name": "some-name"

Or maybe the requesting user already owns the name, in which case the error response will be:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "You already own the snap name 'some-name'.",
      "code": "already_owned",
      "extra": {
        "field": "snap_name",
        "snap_name": "some-name"

If the requested snap name was previously owned by the requesting user and that name was revoked at some point in the past, the following response is returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "You previously owned 'some-name' but it was revoked.",
      "code": "revoked_name",
      "extra": {
        "field": "snap_name",
        "snap_name": "some-name"

If many names are tried to be registered too quickly, the following error will be returned with the extra metadata retry_after field (also defined in the Retry-After response header) containing the amount of time to wait in seconds before the next attempt:


HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: application/json
Retry-After: 117

  "error_list": [
      "message": "You can register up to 100 snap names every 10 minutes. You must wait 2 minutes before the next snap name registration.",
      "code": "register_window",
      "extra": {
        "snap_name": "some-name-101",
        "allowed_count": 100,
        "retry_after_label": "2 minutes",
        "window_seconds": 600,
        "retry_after": 117,
        "window_label": "10 minutes"

In some cases the submitted data is valid, but the request might fail to complete. In such cases a response like the following will be returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Failed to register",
      "code": "failed-to-register"

Register a snap name dispute

If the attempt to register a snap name (with or without dry_run) results in a 409 response with error code reserved_name or already_registered, the caller can offer the end user to file a snap name dispute, that will be resolved by a human doing snap name dispute reviews.

To file a snap name dispute, a request has to be made as follows:

POST /dev/api/register-name-dispute/
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
  • snap_name (string) – name of the snap name being disputed

  • comment (string) – a complete explanation from the requesting user about their rights to the snap name being disputed

  • is_private (boolean) – (optional, defaults to false) whether the name should be considered private or not

  • store (string) – (optional, defaults to the global store) the ID of the store to register this snap in, once the dispute is solved

Response JSON Object
  • snap_name (string) – the snap name being disputed

Status Codes


In order to register a snap name dispute the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_register permission. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


If the request is valid, a snap name dispute can be successfully filed by issuing a POST request as shown in the following example. The result will include the disputed snap name, and a status URL (pointing to the Dashboard web UI) where the requesting user can check the status of the dispute.


POST /dev/api/register-name-dispute/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json

  "snap_name": "some-name",
  "comment": "Please I need the name and I am nice"


Content-Type: application/json

  "status_url": "",
  "snap_name": "some-name"

The fields snap_name and comment are required. If some of those fields are not sent, an error response will be returned as follows:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Required field is missing.",
      "code": "missing-field",
      "extra": {
        "field": "comment"

If the snap_name sent is neither reserved nor taken by someone else, an error response is returned as follows:

Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "The name 'other-name' is not available for disputing.",
      "code": "name-not-available-for-dispute",
      "extra": {
        "snap_name": "other-name"

If the requesting user already owns or has filed a claimed for the snap_name being sent for dispute, error responses with codes already_owned or already_claimed, respectively, will be returned just like in the Register a snap name API.

Assert a build for a snap

Process and store a snap-build assertion. Currently snap-build is not enforced before publishing an upload.

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/builds
Request Headers
  • snap_id – the snap_id of the snap

Request JSON Object
  • assertion (string) – UTF-8 signed assertion blob

Response JSON Object
  • success (boolean) – whether the build assertion was saved successfully

Status Codes


To submit a build assertion of their package, a developer posts a request like the following:


POST /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/builds HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json

  "assertion": "utf-8 signed assertion blob"


The assertion blob is simply the snap-build assert data as assembled and signed by developers.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "headers": {
       "authority-id": "",
       "grade": "",
       "sign-key-sha3-384": "",
       "snap-id": "",
       "snap-sha3-384": "",
       "snap-size": "",
       "timestamp": "",
       "revision": "",
       "type": "snap-build"

If the macaroon used for authentication does not contain the package_upload permission or is restricted to a set of snap packages that doesn’t include this package, an error response will be returned


Content-Type: application/problem+json

  "type": "devportal:v1:macaroon-permission-required",
  "title": "Macaroon missing required permission.",
  "detail": "Permission is required: package_upload",
  "status": 403,
  "permission": "package_upload"

The developer needs to sign the Developer Programme Agreement before they can assert builds. Failing to do so will result in an error response


Content-Type: text/plain

Developer has not signed agreement.

The developer needs to have defined their namespace in their user profile before they can assert builds. Failing to do so will result in an error response


Content-Type: text/plain

Developer profile is missing short namespace.

In the event that the request is missing fields, an error response will be returned detailing the problem


Content-Type: application/json

  "success": false,
  "errors": [{"name": ["This field is required."]}]

If the content of assertion has any invalid information, an error response will be returned


Content-Type: application/json

  "success": false,
  "errors": [{"name": ["Not a valid snap-build assertion."]}]

Push a snap build to the Store

POST /dev/api/snap-push/
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
  • name (string) – name of the snap package

  • updown_id (string) – updown_id obtained when uploading the build binary

  • built_at (string) – (optional) date and time at which the build was started

  • channels (list) – (optional) list of channels to release the snap to once uploaded

  • only_if_newer (boolean) – (optional) only release the snap to the specified channels if it is newer than the current release

Response JSON Object
  • success (boolean) – true if the request was acknowledged properly

  • status_url (string) – (deprecated) URL to poll for status changes (for old-style processing)

  • status_details_url (string) – URL to poll for current server side status changes

Status Codes


In order to push a snap the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_upload permission. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


To submit a new version of their snap package, a developer pushes it to the Store


POST /dev/api/snap-push/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "foo",
  "updown_id": "some-updown-id"


Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "success": true,
  "status_url": "<some upload id>"


Receiving a 202 response means the Store has acknowledged the submission and will proceed to analyze the snap package for errors before it’s fully accepted.

If the macaroon used for authentication does not contain the package_upload permission or is restricted to a set of snap packages that doesn’t include this package, an error response will be returned


Content-Type: application/problem+json

  "type": "devportal:v1:macaroon-permission-required",
  "title": "Macaroon missing required permission.",
  "detail": "Permission is required: package_upload",
  "status": 403,
  "permission": "package_upload"

If a push is attempted for a package that has not had its name registered beforehand, an error like this will be returned



The developer needs to sign the Developer Programme Agreement before they can push snap packages. Failing to do so will result in an error response


Content-Type: text/plain

Developer has not signed agreement.

The developer needs to have defined their namespace in their user profile before they can push snap packages. Failing to do so will result in an error response


Content-Type: text/plain

Developer profile is missing short namespace.

In the event that the request contained invalid data, an error response will be returned detailing the problem


Content-Type: application/json

  "success": false,
  "errors": [{"name": ["This field is required."]}]

Release a snap build to a channel

POST /dev/api/snap-release/
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
  • name (string) – name of the snap package

  • revision (int) – revision to release

  • channels (list) – list of channels to release the build to; these will be added to whatever current channels the build is already released (if any). This will be matched against the macaroon in the authorization header using fnmatch

  • progressive (dict) – (optional) a dictionary with keys paused and percentage to make this release a progressive release (see below for further info)

Response JSON Object
  • success (boolean) – whether the build was released successfully

  • channel_map (list) – (optional) a list of all the channels and which versions/revisions are released on each (see below for further info)

  • opened_channels (list) – (optional) names of the channels that got their first release on the current call

Status Codes


In order to release a snap the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_upload permission. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.

About channel_map

If present, this field will be a list of channel names with more information for each. The list is ordered according to the channel priority hierarchy (e.g.: stable, candidate, beta, edge).

Every item in the list is a dict, with at least channel and info in it. There are three kind of items.

  • when the channel doesn’t have any release:

    {'channel': 'stable', 'info': 'none'}
  • when the channel has a release:

    {'channel': 'candidate', 'info': 'specific', 'version': '2.7', 'revision': 1}
  • when the channel doesn’t have any release, but as a superior channel does, it would use that revision if requested:

    {'channel': 'beta', 'info': 'tracking'}

About progressive releases

If the progressive field is defined, the release will be done progressively, in the sense that a percentage of devices will receive the revision being released.

The field progressive should be a dictionary with the following keys:

  • paused a boolean indicating whether the release is active or not.

  • percentage a number between 0 and 100, specifies the percentage of devices receiving this release.

Releasing a revision with a progressive percentage of 100 and releasing it without a progressive percentage are not equivalent. This behaviour is slightly surprising, but it’s a consequence of the fact that not all devices can ever get a progressive revision, since a device may only participate in a progressive release if we have a way to consistently identify it.

In order to perform a non-progressive release, either omit including this field, or send the field with all keys with value null.

The current status of a progressive release is reported by the releases V2 API and the channel-map V2 API endpoints in the progressive response object, with the following fields:

  • paused same as described above.

  • percentage same as described above.

  • current-percentage a number between 0 and 100, specifying the percentage of devices that have reported this revision installed on this channel over the total number of devices that have installed any revision on the same channel. This field is only populated in the channel-map V2 API response.


When a developer is ready to make their snap package available to the world, they can release it like:


POST /dev/api/snap-release/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "foo",
  "revision": "1",
  "channels": ["candidate"]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "channel_map": [
    {"channel": "stable", "info": "none"},
    {"channel": "candidate", "version": "0.1", "info": "specific", "revision": 1},
    {"channel": "beta", "info": "tracking"},
    {"channel": "edge", "info": "tracking"}
  "channel_map_tree": {
    "latest": {
      "16": {
        "all": [
          {"channel": "stable", "info": "none"},
          {"channel": "candidate", "version": "0.1", "info": "specific", "revision": 1},
          {"channel": "beta", "info": "tracking"},
          {"channel": "edge", "info": "tracking"}
  "opened_channels": ["candidate"],
  "success": true

The publisher can choose to make the release available only to a subset of devices in the field, for example to 20% of the devices. This is called a progressive release and can be done with the following API request:


POST /dev/api/snap-release/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "foo",
  "revision": 1,
  "channels": ["beta"],
  "progressive": {
    "percentage": 20,
    "paused": false


If the macaroon used for authentication does not contain the package_upload permission or is restricted to a set of snap packages that doesn’t include this package, an error response will be returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "devportal:v1:macaroon-permission-required",
  "title": "Macaroon missing required permission.",
  "status": 403,
  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "permission": "package_release"
      "message": "Permission \"package_release\" is required as a macaroon caveat.",
      "code": "macaroon-permission-required"
  "detail": "Permission \"package_release\" is required as a macaroon caveat.",
  "code": "macaroon-permission-required",
  "permission": "package_release"

If a release is requested for a package that has not had its name registered beforehand, an error like this will be returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "field": "name",
        "value": "foo"
      "message": "Snap not found for name=foo",
      "code": "resource-not-found"

Or if the revision being requested to be released does not exist, a similar error is returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "field": "revision",
        "value": 2
      "message": "Upload not found for the requested snap with revision=2",
      "code": "resource-not-found"

The developer needs to sign the Developer Programme Agreement before they can release snap packages. Failing to do so will result in an error response:


Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": "Developer has not signed agreement.",
  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "api": "",
        "url": ""
      "message": "Developer has not signed agreement.",
      "code": "user-not-ready"
  "success": false

The developer needs to have defined their namespace in their user profile before they can release snap packages. Failing to do so will result in an error response:


Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": "Developer profile is missing the store username.",
  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "url": ""
      "message": "Developer profile is missing the store username.",
      "code": "user-not-ready"
  "success": false

In the event that the request contained invalid data, an error response will be returned detailing the problem:


Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": {
    "revision": [
      "The 'revision' field is required."
  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "field": "revision"
      "message": "The 'revision' field is required.",
      "code": "missing-field"
  "success": false

Another example of invalid data is when the caller sends an invalid channel:


Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": "Track does not exist: 1.0",
  "error_list": [
      "extra": {
        "field": "channels",
        "value": [
      "message": "Track does not exist: 1.0",
      "code": "invalid-field"
  "success": false

In some cases the submitted data is valid, but the request might fail to complete. In such cases a response like the following will be returned:


Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": "SnapRevs update failed.",
  "error_list": [
      "message": "SnapRevs update failed.",
      "code": "resource-not-ready"
  "success": false

When doing a progressive release, the correctness of the progressive parameters is enforced. For example, the percentage must be a number between 0 and 100:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "code": "invalid-field",
      "extra": {
        "field": "progressive-percentage",
        "value": "20"
      "message": "Progressive \"percentage\" must be between 0 and 100."
  "errors": "Progressive \"percentage\" must be between 0 and 100.",
  "success": false

The paused flag must be a boolean:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "code": "invalid-field",
      "extra": {
        "field": "progressive-paused",
        "value": null
      "message": "Progressive flag \"paused\" must be a boolean."
  "errors": "Progressive flag \"paused\" must be a boolean.",
  "success": false

And lastly, if the progressive parameter is given, it must be a dictionary:


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "code": "invalid-field",
      "extra": {
        "field": "progressive",
        "value": {}
      "message": "The parameter \"progressive\" must be a dict with keys: paused, percentage."
  "errors": "The parameter \"progressive\" must be a dict with keys: paused, percentage.",
  "success": false

Obtaining information about a snap

This API endpoint allows publishers or collaborators to obtain an overview-set of information about their snaps by simply passing its`name`.

This endpoint is intended to be an quicker alternative to the current process of resolving name to snap_id via the Accounts response, then hit the metadata endpoint for textual fields and the binary-metadata for associated icon and screenshots. This endpoint allows clients to get all they need in a single request.

GET /dev/api/snaps/info/(name)
Request Headers
Response JSON Object
  • snap_id – unique snap identifier

  • snap_name – name of the snap

  • series – series where this snap is available

  • store – store the snap was registered to

  • publisher – snap publisher reference object, see more details in About publisher

  • status – whether the snap is currently available in any channel (‘published’ or ‘unpublished’)

  • channel_maps_list – map of {arch: channel_map} where this snap is currently released, see more details in About channel_map

  • aliases – remote aliases granted to this snap

  • private – whether this is snap is private or not

  • title – single-line text displayed as title in the snap page

  • summary – single-line summary

  • description – multi-line description

  • keywords – list of proposed keywords to facilitate search

  • license – SPDX 1.1 license expression for this snaps

  • media – list of images associated with this snap, see more details in About media

  • contact – upstream project contact URL

  • website – upstream project website URL

  • blacklist_countries – list of country codes (ISO ALPHA-2) in which the snap distribution is forbidden

  • whitelist_countries – list of country codes (ISO ALPHA-2) in which the snap is exclusively allowed to be distributed

  • video_urls – list of third-part video URLs associated for this snap

  • public_metrics_enabled – whether public metrics are enabled for this snap or not

  • public_metrics_blacklist – list of public metric names not available for consumption

  • unlisted – whether this snap should be part of search results or not

  • categories – categories list for the snap, (see Snap categories for more details)

  • update_metadata_on_release – boolean, if set to True, automatically update metadata on subsequent releases to default_track, and stable channel. If set to False (or Null), only update the metadata via website.

  • originDEPRECATED use publisher["username"]

  • publisher_nameDEPRECATED use publisher["display-name"]

  • company_nameDEPRECATED it is not part of any workflow and will be soon removed.

  • icon_urlDEPRECATED use media

  • screenshot_urlsDEPRECATED use media

Status Codes


In order to fetch snap metrics the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_access permission. See Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.

About publisher

A reference to a snap publisher is a canonical object across the entire API as:

  "id": "ap8oZPhPCkgEZAGTyU7lRCR0NtNeMyRh",
  "username": "cprov",
  "display-name": "Celso Providelo",
  "validation": "unproven"

The id property is the user identifier, mostly used as a reference in documents exchanged with devices.

The username is the user unique store username, normally inherited from the SSO account, it’s an ascii-only single-word sequence used to visually disambiguate references to the publisher in the UI.

The display-name is the capitalized, multiple-words and free-form (unicode, emoji, etc) users define as a textual label for themselves. It’s normally inherited from the SSO account (First and Last names).

The validation fields represents the identity validation status of the context account in the Store. At the moment, it is either unproven or verified, where verified means the user identity (display-name, username and contact information) is legitimate. For practical purposes, anything other than unproven should be considered, at least, as a verified identity.

About media

The media field is always an array containing zero or more images associated with a particular snap:

  {"type": "icon",       "width": 256, "height": 256, "url": "https://..."},
  {"type": "banner",     "width": 720, "height": 240, "url": "https://..."},
  {"type": "screenshot", "width": 800, "height": 600, "url": "https://..."},
  {"type": "screenshot", "width": 800, "height": 600, "url": "https://..."},

The images are referred by type (icon, banner or screenshot) and url (store URL serving the corresponding image content). The width and height fields may be omitted for some media (eg. media that was uploaded before we started tracking widths and heights, or media types for which we do not measure width and height, such as SVG.)

Snap currently can only have a single icon, a single banner and multiple screenshots.

Fetch metrics for snaps

POST /dev/api/snaps/metrics
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
Response JSON Object
Status Codes


In order to fetch snap metrics the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_metrics permission. See Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.

About metric filters

The metrics endpoint allows clients to POST as many distinct metric filters as needed to retrieve all required metrics at once:

  "filters": [
    {"snap_id": "<SNAP-ID>", "metric_name": "installed_base_by_channel",
     "start": "2016-12-18", "end": "2017-12-17"}
    {"snap_id": "<SNAP-ID>", "metric_name": "installed_base_by_country",
     "start": "2016-12-18", "end": "2017-12-17"}

Clients can retrieve multiple metrics for any snap they have write access to, with distinct intervals for each metric within a single request.

For performance purposes, each individual interval may not be longer than 1 year.

The following metrics are available:

  • daily_device_change: contains the 3 series representing the number of “new”, “continued” and “lost” devices with the given snap installed compared to the previous day.

  • installed_base_by_channel: contains one series per channel representing the number of devices with the given snap installed, channels with no data across the entire interval are omitted.

  • installed_base_by_country: contains one series per country representing the number of devices with the given snap installed.

  • installed_base_by_operating_system: contains one series per operating_system representing the number of devices with the given snap installed.

  • installed_base_by_version: contains one series per version representing the number of devices withe the given snap installed.

  • weekly_device_change: similar to the ‘daily_device_change’ metric but operates on a 7 day window. i.e. “new” contains the number of devices that were seen during the last 7 days but not in the previous 7 day and so on for “continued” and “lost”.

  • weekly_installed_base_by_channel: similar to the ‘installed_base_by_channel’ metric but operates in a 7 day window.

  • weekly_installed_base_by_country: similar to the ‘installed_base_by_country’ metric but operates in a 7 day window.

  • weekly_installed_base_by_operating_system: similar to the ‘installed_base_by_operating_system’ metric but operates in a 7 day window.

  • weekly_installed_base_by_version: similar to the ‘installed_base_by_version’ metric but operates in a 7 day window.

The metrics response

Each given filter will result in a corresponding metrics entry in the following format:

  "metrics": [
      "status": "OK|FAIL|NO_DATA",
      "snap_id": "<SNAP-ID>",
      "metric_name": "<METRIC_NAME>",
      "buckets": ["<DAY-1>", ..., "<DAY-N>"],
      "series": [
          "values": [<SAMPLE-1>, ..., <SAMPLE-N>]
          [, "currently_released": true|false]

The <SNAP_ID> and <METRIC_NAME> values are taken from the filters passed to the API in the request.

The status field may be FAIL if there are internal problems building this particular metric or NO_DATA if there were no samples in the given interval, in both cases the data should be discarded by clients. Otherwise, it is OK and the data is good to be used.

The buckets array contains the daily steps for the given [start, end] inclusive interval. It does not provide samples more granular than daily.

Finally, the series field contains all available timeseries in the context of the requested metric. The series values vector (Y axis) is built against the metric buckets vector (X axis). In _by_channel series, an extra field "currently_released": true|false indicates whether the channel referenced by name is currently open in the snap’s channel map. For example, closed channels and nonexistent channels reported by clients are marked as "currently_released": false.


Any publisher or collaborator can fetch metrics from their snaps.

First step would be to build a macaroon authorization, please follow the instructions in Macaroons and make sure it contains package_upload permission

The snap_ids can be obtained via the publisher WebUI or via the Accounts.


POST /dev/api/snaps/metrics HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "filters": [
    {"snap_id": "wKFeK2U7Y2CB53vRJwg9MeR9bqfPvtZK",
     "metric_name": "installed_base_by_channel",
     "start": "2017-12-16", "end": "2017-12-17"}


In this case, only channels stable and beta are open, while candidate redirects clients to stable. Also, clients might report old or even nonexistent channels. These channels are marked as "currently_released": false.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "metrics": [
      "status": "OK",
      "snap_id": "wKFeK2U7Y2CB53vRJwg9MeR9bqfPvtZK",
      "metric_name": "installed_base_by_channel",
      "buckets": ["2017-12-16"],
      "series": [
        {"values": [124], "name": "stable", "currently_released": true},
        {"values": [270], "name": "beta", "currently_released": true},
        {"values": [74], "name": "candidate", "currently_released": false},
        {"values": [147], "name": "bogus", "currently_released": false}

If the macaroon used for authentication does not contain the package_upload permission or is restricted to a set of snap packages that doesn’t include this package, an error response will be returned


Content-Type: application/problem+json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Not authorized to access the following snap_ids: <SNAP-ID>",
      "code": "macaroon-permission-required"

In the event that the request contained invalid filters, an error response will be returned detailing the problem


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Filter missing required keys at index 0: end",
      "code": "invalid"

List all revisions of a snap

GET /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/history[?arch=<arch>&page=1&size=500]
Request Headers
Query Parameters
  • arch – (optional) when set, retrieve only revisions for this architecture

Response JSON Array of Objects
  • revision (int) – the revision of the build

  • version (string) – the version of the build

  • timestamp (string) – the date and time when the build was uploaded

  • series (list) – list of series the build was pushed to

  • arch (list) – list of architectures supported by the build

  • channels (list) – list of channels the build was released to

  • current_channels (list) – list of channels where this revision is currently available

Status Codes

The results can be optionally filtered by architecture via the corresponding query-string parameter arch.

The results are also paginated, with a default (and maximum) size of 500 entries. Clients can request smaller page sizes and further pages via query-string parameters size and page (1-indexed).


There are no particular permissions required in the macaroon for retrieving revision history. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


The user must be the owner or a contributor of the requested package; returns 404 Not Found otherwise.


List all revisions of the snap with id some_snap_id:


GET /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/history HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "series": [
        "channels": [
        "version": "1.1-amd64",
        "timestamp": "2016-10-05T00:33:58.209",
        "current_channels": [
        "arch": "amd64",
        "revision": 4
        "series": [
        "channels": [
        "version": "1.0-i386",
        "timestamp": "2016-10-03T20:33:58.162",
        "current_channels": [
        "arch": "i386",
        "revision": 3
        "series": [
        "channels": [
        "version": "1.0-amd64",
        "timestamp": "2016-10-01T10:33:58.021",
        "current_channels": [
        "arch": "amd64",
        "revision": 2

Filter revisions by architecture:


GET /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/history?arch=i386 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        "series": [
        "channels": [
        "version": "1.0-i386",
        "timestamp": "2016-10-03T20:33:58.162",
        "current_channels": [
        "arch": "i386",
        "revision": 3

Retrieve the publishing state of a snap

Retrieves the channel map tree of a snap for all related tracks and architectures. Includes the default track, if set.

GET /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/state
Request Headers
Response JSON Object
  • channel_map_tree – a tree where the first layer are the different tracks, the second layer is the series, and the third series are the different architectures for the snap; each leaf of the tree (for the given track/series/architecture combination) is the corresponding channel map (refer to About channel_map for more info)

  • default_track – the default track set for the context snap, included only if there is a default track for it.

Query Parameters
  • architecture – (optional) when set, filter results for this architecture only

Status Codes


The request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_access permission. See Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions. The user must be the owner or a contributor of the requested package.


Retrieve the channel map for all tracks and architectures of the snap with id some_snap_id:


GET /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/state HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

     "channel_map_tree": {
         "latest": {
             "16": {
                 "amd64": [
                         "revision": 4,
                         "version": "1.0",
                         "channel": "stable",
                         "info": "specific"
                         "revision": 4,
                         "version": "1.0",
                         "channel": "candidate",
                         "info": "specific"
                         "channel": "beta",
                         "info": "tracking"
                         "revision": 1,
                         "version": "1.0",
                         "channel": "edge",
                         "info": "specific"
         "2.0": {
             "16": {
                 "amd64": [
                         "channel": "stable",
                         "info": "none"
                         "revision": 3,
                         "version": "1.0",
                         "channel": "candidate",
                         "info": "specific"
                         "revision": 3,
                         "version": "1.0",
                         "channel": "beta",
                         "info": "specific"
                         "channel": "edge",
                         "info": "tracking"
     "default_track": "2.0"

Filter by architecture:


GET /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/state?architecture=i386 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

     "channel_map_tree": {
         "latest": {
             "16": {
                 "i386": [
                         "info": "none",
                         "channel": "stable"
                         "info": "none",
                         "channel": "candidate"
                         "info": "none",
                         "channel": "beta"
                         "version": "8.1",
                         "info": "specific",
                         "channel": "edge",
                         "revision": 290

Retrieve the publishing status of a snap

[DEPRECATED] Please refer to the /state documentation above.

Retrieves the channel map of a snap for all related architectures.

GET /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/status
Request Headers
Response JSON Object
  • object – map of {arch: channel_map} for each architecture related to the context snap: refer to About channel_map

Query Parameters
  • arch – (optional) when set, retrieve the channel map for this architecture only

Status Codes


There are no particular permissions required in the macaroon for retrieving the snap status. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


The user must be the owner or a contributor of the requested package.


Retrieve the channel map for all architectures of the snap with id some_snap_id:


GET /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/status HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "i386": [
            "info": "none",
            "channel": "stable"
            "info": "none",
            "channel": "candidate"
            "info": "none",
            "channel": "beta"
            "info": "specific",
            "version": "1.0-i386",
            "channel": "edge",
            "revision": 3
    "amd64": [
            "info": "specific",
            "version": "1.0-amd64",
            "channel": "stable",
            "revision": 2
            "info": "tracking",
            "channel": "candidate"
            "info": "specific",
            "version": "1.1-amd64",
            "channel": "beta",
            "revision": 4
            "info": "tracking",
            "channel": "edge"

Filter by architecture:


GET /dev/api/snaps/some_snap_id/status?arch=amd64 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Macaroon root=..., discharge=...
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "amd64": [
            "info": "specific",
            "version": "1.0-amd64",
            "channel": "stable",
            "revision": 2
            "info": "tracking",
            "channel": "candidate"
            "info": "specific",
            "version": "1.1-amd64",
            "channel": "beta",
            "revision": 4
            "info": "tracking",
            "channel": "edge"

Managing snap metadata

The metadata endpoint allows clients to fetch and update textual attributes of a snap.

GET /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata
Request Headers
Response JSON Object
  • blacklist_countries – list of country codes (ISO ALPHA-2) in which the snap distribution is forbidden

  • categories – categories information for the snap, (see Snap categories for more details)

  • contact – upstream project contact URL

  • description – multi-line description

  • default_track – the default track set for the snap (null if none is set)

  • keywords – list of proposed keywords to facilitate search

  • license – SPDX 1.1 license expression for this snaps

  • private – whether this is snap is private or not

  • public_metrics_blacklist – list of public metric names not available for consumption

  • public_metrics_enabled – whether public metrics are enabled for this snap or not

  • summary – single-line summary

  • title – single-line text displayed as title in the snap page

  • unlisted – whether this snap should be part of search results or not

  • website – upstream project website URL

  • whitelist_countries – list of country codes (ISO ALPHA-2) in which the snap is exclusively allowed to be distributed

  • update_metadata_on_release – boolean, if set to True, automatically update metadata on subsequent releases to default_track, and stable channel. If set to False (or Null), only update the metadata via website.

Status Codes

POST-ing to metadata allows clients to update attributes after checking for conflicts.

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata[?conflict_on_update=false]
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
  • . – any combination of the fields mentioned above that should be updated

Status Codes


The optional conflict_on_update modifier can be set to true to flag the updated fields to be checked for conflicts on future updates. If omitted, a false value is assumed.

Whereas PUT-ing to metadata forces updates, ignoring any conflicts with fields previously updated via webui.

PUT /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata[?conflict_on_update=false]
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
  • . – any combination of the fields mentioned above that should be updated

Status Codes

The binary-metadata endpoint allows fetching and updating binary attributes of a snap (icon and screenshots).

GET /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/binary-metadata
Request Headers
Response JSON Array of Objects
  • type – whether it’s an icon, screenshot or banner

  • filename – the original filename

  • url – the url where the file is served

  • hash – the SHA-256 hex-digest of the file

Status Codes

POST-ing to binary-metadata involves a specially-crafted multipart payload, where the info part is a JSON-encoded array of objects describing the subsequent parts, as in:

  "info": [
    {"key": "the_icon", "type": "icon", "filename": "my_icon.png", "hash": "<SHA-256>"},
    {"key": "ss_1", "type": "screenshot", "filename": "ss_1.png", "hash": "<SHA-256>"},
    {"key": "ss_2", "type": "screenshot", "filename": "ss_2.png", "hash": "<SHA-256>"},

Similarly to the textual endpoint, POST-ing to binary-metadata will submit the proposed files to a conflict check against files uploaded via webui (based on the “hash” attribute in info) before updating the snap information. It is an additive operation, i.e. existing icon or screenshots will not get removed as long as they are still referenced in the info structure.

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/binary-metadata[?conflict_on_update=false]
Request Headers
Form Parameters
  • info – JSON-encoded array of objects describing the next parts

  • <key> – binary metadata as described in info (form-encoded)

  • <...> – additional files

Status Codes

PUT-ing to binary-metadata will first remove all files related to the snap not mentioned in the info structure and then add the proposed ones.

PUT /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/binary-metadata[?conflict_on_update=false]
Request Headers
Form Parameters
  • info – JSON-encoded array of objects describing the next parts

  • <key> – binary metadata as described in info (form-encoded)

  • <...> – additional files

Status Codes


In order to fetch or update snap metadata the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_upload permission. See Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


Any publisher or collaborator can fetch or update metadata from their snaps.

First step would be to build a macaroon authorization, please follow the instructions in Macaroons and make sure it contains the package_upload permission.

The snap_id can be obtained via the publisher WebUI or via the Accounts.

Updating summary (textual metadata):

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "summary": "Updated summary",


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "blacklist_countries": [],
  "description": "Some description",
  "license": "GPL-3.0",
  "title": "the_title",
  "whitelist_countries": [],
  "summary": "Updated summary",
  "contact": "",
  "website": ""
  "keywords": []

Updating summary (textual metadata) and flag the field for conflict check:

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata?conflict_on_update=true HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "summary": "Updated summary",


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "blacklist_countries": [],
  "description": "Some description",
  "license": "GPL-3.0",
  "title": "the_title",
  "whitelist_countries": [],
  "summary": "Updated summary",
  "contact": "",
  "website": ""
  "keywords": []

Future updates to the summary field through the API will check the value for possible conflicts.

Updating icon (binary metadata):

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/binary-metadata HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=c6472a1ed83b44fbb697beab700ca8b3

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="info"

{"info": [{"key": "icon", "type": "icon", "filename": "icon.png", "hash": "<SHA-256>"}]}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="icon"; filename="icon.png"

<binary content>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "hash": "<SHA-256>",
    "type": "icon",
    "filename": "icon.png",
    "url": ""

If the macaroon used for authentication does not contain the package_upload permission or is restricted to a set of snap packages that doesn’t include this package, an error response will be returned.


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Permission is required: package_upload",
      "code": "macaroon-permission-required"

In the event that the request contained invalid fields, an error response will be returned detailing the problem.


Content-Type: application/json

  "error_list": [
      "message": "Invalid field: zoing",
      "code": "invalid-request"

Snap categories

The metadata categories field is a dict containing the following:

  • locked: whether categories are locked from modification by snap publishers

  • items: a list of dicts having:

    • name: the name of the category

    • since: an ISO 8601 timestamp of when this category was assigned

    • featured: whether this category is set by store curators

Categories can be added to a snap by POST-ing categories names to the metadata endpoint.


POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "categories": ["utilities", "developers"]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "title": "the_title",
  "summary": "Updated summary",
  "contact": "",
  "website": "",
  "categories": {
    "locked": false,
    "items": [
      {"name": "developers", "since": "2016-10-05T00:33:58.209", "featured": false},
      {"name": "utilities", "since": "2016-10-05T00:33:58.209", "featured": false}

Existing categories assignments can be cleared by POST-ing an empty list.

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/metadata HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ...
Content-Type: application/json

  "categories": []


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "title": "the_title",
  "summary": "Updated summary",
  "contact": "",
  "website": "",
  "categories": {
    "locked": false,
    "items": []

Supervise the status of a build

The response from a successful hit to the Push endpoint includes a status_details_url (see Push a snap build to the Store for more details).

The status_details_url will return proper information about the processing of the build happening server side.

GET /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/builds/(updown_id)/status
Response JSON Object
  • processed (boolean) – true if the server side processing already finished (if false, please wait a few seconds and hit the status_details_url again).

  • can_release (boolean) – true if all finished OK server side, so the client can proceed to release (see Release a snap build to a channel for more info).

  • code (string) – a short (but representative) string indicating concisely in which stage the server side processing is (see below for the list)

  • url (string) – (optional) present if the user can continue the procedure, realize some action and/or retrieve some information through the web site.

  • errors (list) – (optional) present only if the build processing ended in an error state, this list of error messages will help the user to fix the build (see below for format).

  • revision (int) – (optional) the revision of the pushed build, present only if the build binary structure was OK and a revision was assigned to it.

Status Codes

The code informing in which stage the processing is can be any of the following:

  • being_processed: the processing still didn’t finish

  • processing_error: there was an error processing the build

  • need_manual_review: a manual review is needed for the push to be approved

  • ready_to_release: free to go

The errors field (if present) will be a list of dictionaries, each dict containing…

  • a code element, which is a short string to indicate unambiguously the type of error, and can be used by the client to present a special message or take an specific action; note that it also can be null if the error type is generic.

  • a message element, which is a short descriptive message for the error.

Close a channel for a snap package

POST /dev/api/snaps/(snap_id)/close
Request Headers
Request JSON Object
  • channels (list) – list of channels to close

Response JSON Object
  • channel_maps (object) – channel_map for each architecture related to the context snap.

  • closed_channels (list) – list of channels currently closed for the context snap.

Status Codes


In order to close a channel the request’s authentication macaroon needs to include the package_upload permission. Refer to the Macaroons API for information on how to request a macaroon with the right permissions.


The Snaps API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request.

In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing) and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with our servers.

Here is detailed the format for API responses that end in error.

This applies to all the 4xx responses, but also to some 5xx ones (if possible, the client should be prepared to handle 5xx responses with no informational body). Note that this structure format does not apply to 2xx and 3xx responses, as those are note errors.


Not all API endpoints are migrated yet to this new error format


An error response body will contain the following field:

  • error_list: a list of one or several items (never empty), each item described by…

    • message: a text in English describing the error that happened, ready to show to the user.

    • code: a short (but representative) string indicating concisely the error; it’s aimed for clients to take specific actions and react to the problem. See below for the list of existing codes.

Additionally and for backwards compatibility reasons, some other fields may be present as well, but are considered deprecated and will be removed in the near future.

No status or success indication is returned inside the response body, the client should react properly to the received HTTP return code according to its well established semantics.


These are the codes used in the response and their meanings:

  • already_claimed: the requested snap name is already claimed.

  • already_owned: the user already owns the requested snap name.

  • already_registered: the requested snap name is already registered by someone else.

  • assertion-creation-failed: the assertion associated with the requested action could not be created.

  • bad-request: there is a problem in the structure of the request.

  • internal-server-error: some unexpected problem server side; this will be the code in all 5xx cases.

  • failed-to-register: the snap name registration failed because the snap-declaration assertion couldn’t be created.

  • invalid: the snap name is not valid: it should only have ASCII lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must have at least one letter; furthermore, it should not start nor end with a hyphen, it should not have two hyphens in a row, and it should have no more than 40 characters in total.

  • invalid_choice: current selected choice is not one of the available choices.

  • invalid-field: the field received in the request has format problems (e.g.: must be a number and it’s not) or value problems (e.g.: it specified a channel “foo” but that is an invalid channel for this Store).

  • macaroon-permission-required: the macaroon authorization is missing in the received request or not enough for it to be fulfilled.

  • media-file-size-too-big: the uploaded media is too big.

  • media-invalid-aspect-ratio: the uploaded media has an invalid aspect ratio.

  • media-invalid-resolution: the uploaded media has an invalid resolution.

  • media-modified: the media item was unexpectedly modified during validation. This should never occur.

  • media-too-many-items: the uploaded media type has too many items, please remove or update an existing.

  • media-unsupported-type: the uploaded media is in a format that is not supported.

  • missing-field: the request received must include a field which was not present.

  • name-not-available-for-dispute: the given snap name cannot be disputed because is already available.

  • name-not-registered: the given snap name needs to be registered before an upload attempt is made.

  • register_window: the user has reached their quota for registering names, they cannot register any more snap names temporarily.

  • required: the field in the request can’t be empty or null.

  • reserved_name: the requested snap name is reserved, a snap name dispute must be filed to get access to the name.

  • resource-forbidden: the resources in question cannot be accessed by the request authorization.

  • resource-not-found: one or more fields are included to specify a resource, but it is not found in the Store.

  • resource-not-ready: the request actions on a resource that is not ready yet for that purpose; normally something else would need to be done first on the resource before this request can be repeated.

  • revoked_name: the requested snap name was already owned by the user but is currently revoked.

  • user-not-ready: the user is not ready to issue the received request; normally some actions would need to be done in the user account before repeating the request.


A simple error:

  "error_list": [{
     "message": "The field 'expiration' must be an integer",
     "code": "invalid-field"

A multiple error:

  "error_list": [{
     "message": "The 'foo' field is required",
     "code": "missing-field"
  }, {
     "message": "The 'bar' field is required",
     "code": "missing-field"
  }, {
     "message": "The 'baz' field must not be empty",
     "code": "invalid-field"